Some of them have been played about with in Photoshop, experiments at trying to recreate some styles I've seen used on various iPhone apps.
Orange Seller in Pettah,
messed about with in PS to try out Lomo effect.
The mosque near Lipton Circus round about, Colombo 07, been wanting to take this picture for some time, took lots, but this is one of my faves.
The amazing eye hospital on the corner of De Sarem Place, Colombo 07. That's a papaya tree in the foreground, if you care :)
Details of a Hindu temple in Pettah
Tuc-Tucs, Three-wheelers, Trishaws, call them what you will, basking in the mid day sun in Pettah.
Rubbish piles in Pettah fruit & veg market and someone picking over the good bits for edible food. As you can imagine, the stench of rot, the flies, the crows etc, don't make this a pleasant walk.
no reason just, for me, a nice pic.
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